Emily's mindfulness game 

Emily Rohman is a licensed professional counselor at The Center for Mental Wellness. Emily works with kids and teens and provides parent coaching. 

wRITTEN by brandi wilson

Walk us through your favorite mindfulness exercise

Emily Rohman, LPC, ADHD-CCSP works with kids, teens, and their parents.
A common theme she notices in therapy is how easily those individuals will attempt to distract themselves from uncomfortable emotions so she will use mindfulness to help clients work through those feelings.

First , put away all distractions including all electronics. It is important to be connected to the present moment, which can be difficult but we can do it with practice.

We then find a comfortable place to sit, with our legs on the floor, laying on the ground, grabbing a blanket of even hugging a soft object. This is known as “floor time” in my office. 
Then we start with a couple of deep breaths for at least 30 seconds. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts, and exhale for 8 counts. The breath in should be faster than the slower exhale.
The we state out loud where we are ( example, “ I am in my room” or “ I am in my car”)
Then we give ourselves a visual task, ( find any object that starts with the letter “L”, find something green in the space, find an object bigger than a hand)
Finally, we finish with a few more deep breaths, and doing a big stretch!

About the therapist